Hebrews 13:7-9 — Today's Heroes of the Faith!

READ THIS: Hebrews 13:7-9

7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.  9 Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by eating ceremonial foods, which is of no benefit to those who do so.


Do you remember the Hall of Faith?! Remember Hebrews 11 with all the heroes of the faith?! God puts in our lives more than just stories about faithful people; He also puts actual faithful people in our lives. Jesus/God/Holy Spirit is the same from age to age. People who were good faith examples in the Old Testament aren't any better than people who are good faith examples today because both sets of people are following the exact same God! 

If we are all following the same God, then that helps us figure out what we should listen to. If someone is a leader, but he/she is teaching things and behaving in ways that don't line up at all with the good examples from the Bible, then that might mean that person isn't the best example for us to follow. One strange teaching that people were talking about back then was that it was important for your faith to eat certain foods. But, if you look at the faith examples from the Bible, that's not what is taught at all. Instead, we see that the heroes of the faith actually mess up ceremony a fair bit, but they live in God's grace. God's grace is what's important for our faith! So, make sure to examine current leaders with the measure that the Bible gives us!


1. Think about someone who you think truly loves Jesus and walks out his/her love of Jesus daily. What are some ways you can be a little more like that person (but still be yourself)?
2. Who are some people who are leaders who might not be the best people to follow? How can you determine that? What's the difference between a bad example and an imperfect person?


Do one thing today that can help train you to be a hero of the faith in your own right. That can be praying, standing up for someone, reading the Word, visiting someone people don't like, etc! Try to think about your answer to question number one, and do that!

As you listen to this song, know that every leader at Grace wants to be there for you! We won't do it perfectly like Jesus does, but know that we always want to be where you can reach us!


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