Esther 8:15-17 — Fit check!
READ THIS: Esther 8:15-17
15 When Mordecai left the king’s presence, he was wearing royal garments of blue and white, a large crown of gold and a purple robe of fine linen. And the city of Susa held a joyous celebration. 16 For the Jews it was a time of happiness and joy, gladness and honor. 17 In every province and in every city to which the edict of the king came, there was joy and gladness among the Jews, with feasting and celebrating. And many people of other nationalities became Jews because fear of the Jews had seized them.
Anyone notice how the Bible notes what Mordecai wears? Back in Esther 4, we were talking about him wearing sackcloth in mourning over the first edict. Now that the second edict is sent out, Mordecai has a whole new outfit. Sackcloth represents mourning whereas his outfit we read about today represents royalty. Throughout the Bible we see several times people wear sackcloth as a way to call out to God and show what's on the inside of their hearts. Mordecai's clothes represent where his heart is at!
I know we are in the book of Esther, but sometimes when we read the Bible, different psalms come to mind. The psalms are prayers and songs that can be used to talk to God, and there are 150 of oftentimes at least one of the psalms can relate not only to other places in the Bible but also to our very lives. Read Psalm 30:8-12 below and see what connections you find!
"To you, Lord, I called; to the Lord I cried for mercy: 'What is gained if I am silenced, if I go down to the pit? Will the dust praise you? Will it proclaim your faithfulness? Hear, Lord, and be merciful to me; Lord, be my help.'
You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever.'"
1. What connections did you find between Psalm 30:8-12 and the story of Mordecai/Esther? Were there any connections to your own life?
2. Have you ever worn certain clothes because of how you were feeling? Why? Have you ever worn something because you were thinking about God in some way?
Wear a shirt or a bracelet or some article of clothing today or tomorrow that you don't usually wear so every time you see it or look in a mirror you can think about where your heart is at. Do heart/fit checks throughout the day wondering, "If I were to dress the way my heart feels in this moment, what would I be wearing?" At the end of the day, reflect on when you felt like you were dressed the most like Mordecai in today's reading and when you felt like you were dressed the most like Mordecai back in Esther 4.
Think about what "clothes" Jesus could be wearing right now...listen to this song and think about that and why!
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