Hebrews 13:15-16 — Praiseworthy = Sacrificeworthy

READ THIS: Hebrews 13:15-16

15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. 16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.


THEREFORE! You know what that means! You have to look back at the previous verses to really understand why we should offer God sacrifices of praise, doing good, and sharing. It's because Jesus sacrificed His whole self on the cross, first. He died for us so that we could share in eternity with Him. So, when we accept that we live through Jesus, we should let Jesus live through us by sacrificing our whole selves, too! 

But how is praise, doing good, and sharing a sacrifice? All three of those things means doing something for someone else rather than ourselves. We are sacrificing our preferences and fun for the sake of God and others. Jesus willingly sacrificed His comfort, privacy, praise, and very life....are we willing to do the same?


1. Praise, doing good, sharing. How do these three things feel like a sacrifice to you specifically? Think about times when it has been hard to do each of those three things. What made it hard?
2. Look at verse 15 again. How does that verse define praise? Put that definition in your own words. 


Praise God today the way verse 15 says to...see if you are willing to offer that as a sacrifice to God today!

Song! This song helps remind us why we praise Jesus. After listening, I challenge you to find a song that praises Jesus and worship Him with it in song!


  1. I think it’s taking the time each day to talk to God—in a way, that’s praising Him because we honor Him enough to ask His advice about things important to us. Pure praising Him is something I need to spend more time doing!!!


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