Hebrews 11:23 — Mother Knows Best

READ THIS: Hebrews 11:23

23 By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict.


When Moses was born there was an edict (or order) from the king to kill every baby boy that was born in Egypt (Exodus 1:15-16). However, Moses' parents knew God's law trumped the pharaoh's law, so by faith they hid him as long as they could, so he would not be killed. Eventually, they could not hide him anymore so they put him in a basket and let him float down the Nile river. However, the pharaoh's daughter eventually found him and raised him in the palace.
The fact that she put him in the Nile river actually has a deeper meaning as well! When the pharaoh heard that not everyone was following his law about the baby boys, he revised the law to say, "Every Hebrew boy that is born you must throw into the Nile," (Exodus 1:22). So, Moses' mom trusted God to protect her special son even in the very waters that were supposed to kill him. 

What we can learn from Moses' parents is that we have nothing to fear with God on our side! When we follow God's directions and path for our lives, no weapon can be formed against us (Romans 8:31).


1. What do you think Moses' parents felt in the moment they sent him down the Nile? How do you think you would feel?
2. Have you ever done something different than others because you felt like God was telling you to? How did it go?


The next time you feel God nudging you to do something, try to follow in faith- even if it seems scary! (ex: sitting next to someone who seems lonely)

Listen to this song and think about what living life going only where God is would look like and how Moses' parents lived into that. 


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