Proverbs 27:19-27 — Baa.... Baaaa... BAAAAAHHHH...

READ THIS: Proverbs 27:19-27

19 As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart. 20 Death and Destruction are never satisfied, and neither are human eyes. 21 The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but people are tested by their praise. 22 Though you grind a fool in a mortar, grinding them like grain with a pestle, you will not remove their folly from them. 23 Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; 24 for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations. 25 When the hay is removed and new growth appears and the grass from the hills is gathered in, 26 the lambs will provide you with clothing, and the goats with the price of a field. 27 You will have plenty of goats’ milk to feed your family and to nourish your female servants.


These verses talk all about what comes naturally to us as well as how important it is to live differently than what is natural! Verse 20 reminds us that our eyes (what we naturally desire in life) will never be satisfied... there's a reason Solomon compares them to death and destruction! Verse 21 reminds us that the things we praise (and how we respond to our own praises) shape and test us, the same way that gold and silver are tested in fire! Lastly, verse 23 tells us that the foolish will remain the same, no matter how much testing they go through... only God can change them. 
It's natural for us to seek after the things our eyes desire. It's natural for us to seek praise and even live for praise. It's natural for us to seek foolishness. All of these things lead to death, and they certainly aren't how God calls us to live... so what should we do?

Verses 24-27 give us the answer: intentionally care for the people around us! Whether you know it or not, God has placed you in charge of a flock of people, just like a shepherd who cares for their sheep. Just like sheep, we can get lost, make not so wise decisions, and stumble. But good shepherds care for their sheep and teach them how to walk in the right direction. They protect their sheep and defend them from any kind of danger. Most importantly, they love their sheep! Jesus taught us what it looked like to be a good Shepherd, and we can learn how to care for our flocks by following His example, even when it doesn't come naturally. Verses 26 and 27 say that when we do this, our future will be full of fruitfulness!


1. Who are the sheep that God has called you to take care of? Who are the people in your life that shepherd you?

2. Check out verse 19 (don't worry, I didn't forget about it)... when you look at your life, what does it show you and others about your heart?

Being a shepherd is tough work, and it requires courage! This week, if you see one of your "sheep" straying away from Jesus, have the courage to call them out in love and point them in the right direction!


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