Proverbs 23:19-21 — Wise Saying #16

READ THIS: Proverbs 23:19-21, Wise Saying #16

19 Listen, my son, and be wise, and set your heart on the right path: 20 Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, 21 for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.


The small choices we make now add up slowly into the person that we are. Look at the change between verse 20 to verse 21. People who drink too much often suddenly become drunkards and those who eat a lot suddenly become gluttons. Sometimes we make a small choice and think to ourselves "oh, but that's just one choice," but then that choice leads to another, which leads to another, which leads to another, and suddenly we are someone we do not want to be. There is not a single drunkard or glutton out there who decided when they were fourteen years old that they wanted to be a drunkard or a glutton. But, when they were fourteen, they decided to steal some alcohol or go back for eighths at dinner one time. When they were sixteen, they were doing that every week. When they were twenty, they were doing that every day. Then BAM...turns out they have become something they never imagined they would be, and it affects their lives in ways they didn't predict, like not having money to provide for themselves or their families. 

Setting our heart on the right path starts with thinking about what path we really want to be on. We only choose a certain path to take anywhere because of the final destination. If we do not want to go to Austin, then we shouldn't get on the highway pointing to Austin. If we do not want to be a drunkard or a glutton, we shouldn't be getting on the paths leading that way. 


1. What is the final destination you want for your life? (Like not just eternal life with Jesus. I mean, when you are ALIVE what do you want your final destination to kind of look like).

2. Are you currently on the right path to reach that final destination?

Decide one thing that you will do differently this week that will keep you on the path to your final destination. (it can be something as small as making your bed! Small decisions make a big difference). 


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