Proverbs 12:13-19 — Talk is Cheap

READ THIS: Proverbs 12:13-19

13 Evildoers are trapped by their sinful talk, and so the innocent escape trouble. 14 From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward. 15 The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice. 16 Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult. 17 An honest witness tells the truth, but a false witness tells lies. 18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. 19 Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.


This passage talks about two things: the way we talk and the way we listen. In these verses, we learn that there is a sinful way to talk and listen, but there is also a fruitful way to talk and listen! Let's break down each one:


  • Evildoers use sinful talk, and end up in trouble for it (v. 13)
  • Not listening to advice, thinking they are right (v. 15)
  • Easily angered or annoyed, and quick to express it (v. 16)
  • Speaks lies (v. 17, 19)
  • Their words hurt (v. 18)


  • They speak good things, but more importantly, they follow up by doing good (v. 14)
  • Willing to look past an insult and seek peace, seeing the person who said the words, not just words (v. 16)
  • Speaks truth (v. 17, 19)
  • Their words bring healing (v. 18)

We can clearly see a difference between sinful talking/listening and fruitful talking/listening. But how can we make fruitful talk and fruitful listening a habit in our daily lives? The key to this is found in verse 14: fruitful talkers and listeners don't just talk and listen, they do! Talk is cheap... anyone can say kind things, but if we want our words to mean something, we must live them out too!


1. Take another look at the list of sinful talk/listening above... which of those points do you need to work on today?

2. Another big difference between the sinful person and the fruitful person is that the sinful person depends completely on themself, while the fruitful person depends on the Lord. Have you ever asked God to help you speak and listen more like He does? Take some time to do that now!

One of the ways we can listen like God does is by looking past insults and seeking peace. The next time someone hurts you with their words, take some time (before you respond) to think about what they said, why it hurt you, and what the person who said the words may be going through! Then, respond in a peaceful way!


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