Proverbs 8:32-36 — Wait for It

READ THIS: Proverbs 8:32-36

32 “Now then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. 33 Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it. 34 Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors,     waiting at my doorway. 35 For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord. 36 But those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death.”

Similar to the beginning of the chapter, the personification of wisdom is once again calling us to listen to her advice. These are her concluding remarks. Verse 34 reminds me of waiting in line at the Apple Store for the new iPhone. I was eager to get the new and exclusive phone and did not care how long I would have to wait. What the woman of wisdom is telling us is we should have this same attitude towards receiving God's instructions. Just like waiting for the new phone, we need to wait to hear what God has planned for us next.

As discussed in this entire chapter, when we turn to God's wisdom, we are rewarded and blessed. This does not mean our life will be easier or rid of any hardships. What it does mean is that when we go through these hardships, we will make the right choices to set us up for success because we are basing it off of God's wisdom. However, if we turn away from God's wisdom and try and make decisions off our own intellect, then we will suffer in the long run. We must turn to God and turn away from sin. This is the main message Solomon is conveying in this chapter.


1. When was a time you struggled to turn to God for wisdom? Why was it difficult?

2. Who is someone in your life that regularly turns to God for help?
Write on a notecard "We must turn to God and turn away from sin" and tape it somewhere you will read it often (This could be a mirror, refrigerator, or wall). Let it serve as a reminder for you everyday to always seek God's wisdom in the decisions you make.


  1. A long time ago I was more apt to Not go to God because I didn’t necessarily WANT to do what He said. My internal self said No, but my ‘wanter’ said yes and when I did whatever it was, I always regretted it! It’s a lot easier to have a No response ready, than have to clean up the mess! Go with God every time!


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