Proverbs 2:16-19 — Temptress tendencies

READ THIS: Proverbs 2:16-19

16 Wisdom will save you also from the adulterous woman, from the wayward woman with her seductive words, 17 who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God. 18 Surely her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead. 19 None who go to her return or attain the paths of life.

Yesterday, you may have noticed that the verses talked about wisdom saving us from wicked men...just to double down, Solomon makes it clear that wisdom saves us from wicked women as well! But, the point he is trying to make isn't really about the genders of who is tempting us. Yesterday, the temptation was to do evil things just because it is fun. Today, the temptation is to actively leave behind good things for the evil things. 

In these verses, the wicked women is someone who actively leaves behind her husband, someone she committed to be with before God, for other people. Somehow, that woman can still tempt us to go after her. But the question is...why would we want to pursue someone/something that has already proven to be unreliable? In this case, it's a woman who has already ignored past promises. But, in our lives, it could be that third cheeseburger, that one friend, that one energy drink, etc. There are things that we turn to that we think will make us feel better, but that we already know has hurt us in the past, like when we got that massive stomach ache, got bullied, or crashed hard. We have the option of turning to Jesus, the good option, but instead we choose so many other things instead. Through wisdom, we can choose Jesus over the wicked men and women and the temptations they represent!


1. What's the "wicked man" temptation in your life?

2. What's the "wicked woman" temptation in your life?
Come on this imaginary journey with me: You just had the worst day of your life. You woke up and had three massive zits, your mom yelled at you for being late, your friend told you they hated you and don't want to be your friend anymore, and you failed your math test. What do you do to make yourself feel better?

Think about your honest answer to that and whether that's the wise thing to do or not. 


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